Data of the article "Insect repellent and chemical agronomic treatments to reduce seed number in Afourier mandarin. Effect on yield and fruit diameter"
This are the data of the article "Insect repellent and chemical agronomic treatments to reduce seed number in Afourier mandarin. Effect on yield and fruit diameter". The Excel book has four spreadsheets and the legend. In the legend is the description of all the variables in the four spreadsheets: All the spreadsheets have a TreeCode variable with the identifiers of the tree, so it is possible to compare all variables between trees. Treatment, Repet, Tree and block are allso common variables: Variable Description Code Identifier: Concatenates independent variables. Treatment A negative control treatment (B) covered with a mesh; a treatment with copper sulphate and gibberellic acid (C); two treatments with commercial insect repellent products (D and E); and a positive control treatment (A) treated only with water. Repet Repetition of treatment with two trees (11) Tree Tree into repetition “Repet” (2) Block There are three blocks in the sampling design: Block 1: trees from 1 to 3 for all treatments; Block 2: trees from 4 to 7 and Block 3: trees form 8 to 11. Block Sampling block. Repet 1-3 are Block_1, 4-7 are Block_2 and 8-11 are Block_3. TreeCode Code to identify each tree In Tree spreadsheet: Variable Description MNSeeds Mean Number of Seeds into each fruit, on each tree MFrDiam Mean Fruit Diameter on each tree MSLDate_1 Mean Style Length for each flower, on each tree, at Date 1 MSLDate_2 Mean Style Length for each flower, on each tree, at Date 2 MSLDate_3 Mean Style Length for each flower, on each tree, at Date 3 PcAphidsDate_1 Percent of Presence of aphids on sprouts, on each tree, at Date 1 PcAphidsDate_2 Percent of Presence of aphids on sprouts, on each tree, at Date 2 PcAphidsDate_3 Percent of Presence of aphids on sprouts, on each tree, at Date 3 Tree Date of yield All yields measured the same day ( ) Yield Yield in Kg of fruit by tree In the othe spreadsheets the variables are: Fruit Fruit Fruit number. 10 fruits per tree. Fruit Nseeds Number of seeds into each fruit Fruit FrDiam Fruit diameter Style Date 1, 08/04/201; 2, 15/04/2016; 3, 25/04/201 Style Flower Flower number. 5 flowers per tree Style Style_length Style length for each flower Aphids Date 1, 08/04/201; 2, 15/04/2016; 3, 25/04/201 Aphids Sprout Sprout number. 10 sprouts per tree. Aphids Aphids Presence / absence of aphids on each sprout: 0, absence; 1, presence. Therefore, effect of the different treatments was analyzed taken into account the effect of differing dates, blocks and repetitions, for consistency. For the aphids it has been tested the number of aphids and their frequency (presence / absence). For Styles it has been tested the effect of treatments on the length of the styles. For fruits it has been tested the effect of treatments on the number of seeds and its diameter.