Regional Exhumation and Tectonic History of the Shanxi Rift and Taihangshan, North China

Published: 12 January 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7nwz7nrt7z.1
Christopher Clinkscales, Paul Kapp, Stuart Thomson, Houqi Wang, Andrew Laskowski, Devon Orme, Alex Pullen


The files contained in this dataset include the new and published data for the paper, "Regional Exhumation and Tectonic History of the Shanxi Rift and Taihangshan, North China" published in Tectonics. The dataset is organized as: (a) New_AHe_Data_Clinkscales-Tectonics (excel document with single grain AHe data, newly published with this study); (b) New_AFT_Data_Clinkscales-Tectonics (excel document with summary table of AFT data); (c) folder titled "AFT_Age-Length_text_files (text files with the AFT grain count and length data tabulated; future workers may use these data within an inverse modeling program, such as HeFTy, to investigate and test time-temperature paths); (d) Clinkscales-etal_2020_EPSL_Data (previously AFT, AHe, and ZHe published data from Clinkscales et al. (2020) EPSL, 'Exhumation history of the north-central Shanxi Rift, North China, revealed by low-temperature thermochronology') - the AFT and AHe data from these figures referred to with as N&C (New and Clinkscales et al. 2020) in paper figures; (e) PublishedData_AFT-AHe-ZFT-ZHe_Shanxi-Ordos-Taihangshan (compilation of low-temperature thermochronology data; partially modified after compilation by Qiu and Liu, 2018). Refer to the section in the published paper, References from Supporting Information, for reference details pertinent to this compiled dataset. For additional details on lab methodology, etc., please refer to the supporting information text associated with this paper.


Steps to reproduce

See supporting information and sample location table in the paper, 'Regional Exhumation and Tectonic History of the Shanxi Rift and Taihangshan, North China' for additional details. Information on some of these data can also be found with the supporting information for Clinkscales et al. (2020; EPSL) in the paper titled, 'Exhumation history of the north-central Shanxi Rift, North China, revealed by low-temperature thermochronology.' References for this data compilation shown in the supporting information document associated with this paper (refer to AGU Tectonics website).


Thermochronology, Fission-Track Thermochronology, (Uranium-Thorium)/Helium Thermochronology, Thermochronology in Tectonics
