Direct simulation of hot jet in cold channel crossflow with temperature mixing
This is the data of a direct simulation of a hot jet in cold channel crossflow. Three thermal boundary conditions are considered: T=0 at the wall [1], Q=0 at the wall [1, 2] and conjugate heat transfer [3] For details about the computational configurations, methods and results, please refer to [1-3] (see links below) A paper on validating selected RANS models using the current database has been submitted to International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. A paper discussing the coherent structures of current flow using proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) and dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) has been submitted to Journal of Fluid Mechanics. We have the 3D time-averaged statistics of mean velocity, Reynolds stress, heat fluxes, temperature fluctuations and their budgets. We also have more than 4000 full resolution instantaneous snapshots for each case (only 200 for the adiabatic case). The complete dataset is about 20TB!!! More data will be released in the future. Please feel free to contact me if you need more information or more data. The authors acknowledge the use of ARCHER HPC allocated via UK Turbulence Consortium (EPSRC grant EP/L000261/1) and the use of BlueGene/Q supercomputer sponsored by EDF R&D centre Chatou, France. The authors are grateful to Cedric Flageul for help in implementing heat transfer in the DNS code and Sofiane Benhamadouche for valuable discussions and advice. E-mail: [1] Zhao Wu, Dominique Laurence, & Imran Afgan. 2015. DNS of a jet in cross flow with passive scalar mixing. Pages 479–482 of: 8th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina: Begellhouse. [2] Zhao Wu, Dominique Laurence, & Imran Afgan. 2017a. Direct numerical simulation of a low momentum round jet in channel crossflow. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 313(mar), 273–284. DOI: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2016.12.018 [3] Zhao Wu, Dominique Laurence, Hector Iacovides & Imran Afgan. 2017b. Direct Simulation of Conjugate Heat Transfer of Jet in Channel Crossflow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.03.027
Steps to reproduce
The data is the time-averaged statistics and stored in MATLAB format (*.mat). The data are stored every 4 original simulation nodes and contains 52*49*64 nodes. The corresponding x, y and z coordinate are also stored in the .mat file. In the "temperature_conjugate.mat" file, the variables ending with "_solid" represents the quantities in the solid domain. If the data point is the exact point stored in the data, just use the matrix to get the value. The data at the point (x,y,z)=( x(i), y(j), z(k) ) is stored at (j,i,k) in the time-averaged statistic matrix (x and y are swapped). For example, if you want the time-averaged u velocity (um) at (x, y, z)=(1.5, 0.3203, 0). First look at the vectors 'x' and we found x=1.5 corresponds to the 25th element in the vector 'x'. And y is the 17th, z is the 32nd, i.e. (x, y, z)=(1.5, 0.3203, 0)=( x(25), y(17), z(32) ). Then um(17,25,32) contains the data at this point. If the data point is not the exact point stored in the data, you should interpolate the data.