Binary matrix relative to 77 informative SSR markers amplified in 63 pomegranate genotypes employed for cluster analysis and dendrogram building.

Published: 24 April 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7pwdtsn36v.1
Angelica Giancaspro


The Table reports the binary matrix relative to 77 informative SSR markers (derived from PCR amplification of 37 polymorphic SSR primer pairs) employed for cluster analysis and estimation of genetic distances among 63 pomegranate genotypes. For all pomegranate accessions, each amplified SSR allele is annotated with the score “1” (present), “0” (absent) or “9” (missing data). The binary matrix containing the SSR scores was implemented into NTSYSpc v.2.1 software for estimation of genetic distances.



Universita degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro Dipartimento di Scienze del Suolo della Pianta e degli Alimenti


Microsatellite DNA, Phylogenetic Tree, Genetic Diversity
