LSCSP Instances

Published: 4 October 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7r6g3hr4zz.1
Eduardo Curcio


There are 10 instance classes for the integrated lot-sizing and cutting stock problem, considering two-dimensional non-staged guillotine patterns. In these instances, items tend to be tall and have average size, while plates tend to have square format and average size. The first 6 instance classes have 10 items and 5 time periods. The main differences of each instance class are the following: 1) Low capacity (demand/capacity = 1.4) and low shortage cost (shortage/inventory cost = 10) 2) Low capacity (demand/capacity = 1.4) and high shortage cost (shortage/inventory cost = 50) 3) Medium capacity (demand/capacity = 1.1) and low shortage cost (shortage/inventory cost = 10) 4) Medium capacity (demand/capacity = 1.1) and high shortage cost (shortage/inventory cost = 50) 5) High capacity (demand/capacity = 0.8) and low shortage cost (shortage/inventory cost = 10) 6) High capacity (demand/capacity = 0.8) and high shortage cost (shortage/inventory cost = 50) The last 4 instance classes have low capacity (demand/capacity = 1.4) and high shortage cost (shortage/inventory cost = 50), but higher number of items and periods. 7) 20 items and 10 periods 8) 50 items and 10 periods 9) 20 items and 20 periods 10) 50 items and 20 periods



Operations Research
