Title and Abstract Screening Data for Systematic Review

Published: 27 August 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7sgmg89zb6.1
Gary Chan,


This is a dataset accompanying the study "A comprehensive systematic review dataset is a rich resource for training and evaluation of AI systems for title and abstract screening".


Steps to reproduce

The dataset “Systematic Review Data” is compiled based on the abstract of systematic reviews published in the Cochrane Library before 15th Dec 2024. There is a list of included studies, excluded studies and additional studies. For a substantial proportion of studies in these lists, links to the corresponding abstracts in PubMed or Google Scholar were available. For these studies, these links were followed to retrieve the individual study’s abstract. The dataset “Systematic Review Data Manual Search” is compiled based on 22 systematic reviews in the Cochrane Library published between 15th Dec 2024 and 1st May 2024. The list of included studies, studies that were excluded during title and abstract screening (i.e., during fulltext screening) and studies that were excluded during title and abstract screening were reproduced using the search strategies provided in each review.


RMIT University, University of Queensland


Systematic Review
