Regional characterization of the dynamic mechanical properties of human brain tissue by microindentation
Latest update: 30/06/2020 Content of the Supplementary material of the article: "Regional characterization of the dynamic mechanical properties of human brain tissue by microindentation" A. Menichetti, D.B. MacManus, M.D. Gilchrist, B. Depreitere, J. Vander Sloten, N. Famaey 1) Menichetti_et_al_2020_Parameters_StatisticsTables.pdf This file contains the pairwise comparison matrixes between the 12 regions in terms of: relaxation shear modulus µ_infinity (Table Extra-1), relaxation function g_1 (Table Extra-2), relaxation function g_2 (Table Extra-3), time constant tau_1 (Table Extra-4), time constant tau_2 (Table Extra-5). 2) F_t_curves.mat This file contains a structure array (generated in Matlab) organised as follows: 1st level: Numbers of brain specimens 2nd level: Labels of the tested regions: basal ganglia (BG), cerebellum (CB), corpus callosum (CC), corona radiata (CR), prefrontal cortex (PFCx), medulla oblongata (MO), posterior occipital cortex (OCx), superior mid-frontal cortex (MFCx), postero-superior frontal cortex (SFCx), pons (PO), inferior temporal cortex (TCx), postero-lateral frontal cortex (LFCx). 3rd level: Each column reports the data points of the Force (expressed in µN) measured during a Force-relaxation test. The force values were measured with a sampling rate of 10 kHz.