Data for: Impact of wastewater effluent pollution on stream functioning: a whole-ecosystem manipulation experiment
Published: 16 December 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7tk8rfhhsw.1
Olatz Pereda, Libe Solagaistua, Ioar de Guzmán, Aitor Larrañaga, Arturo Elosegi, Daniel von Schiller, Miren AtristainDescription
This data is provided as supplementary material to the article "Impact of wastewater effluent pollution on stream functioning: a whole-ecosystem manipulation experiment", in order to reproduce completely our methods. The first file ("Pereda et al. EnvironPollut_AppendixS2_Data.WaterCharacteristics.csv") contains information to test for the effects of wastewater treatment plant effluents on water chemical characteristics, and the second file ("Pereda et al. EnvironPollut_AppendixS3_Data.ResponseVariables.csv") to test for the ffects on ecosystem strcuture and functioning.
Biofilms, Water Quality, Ecosystem Functioning, Ecosystem Structure, Stream Ecosystem, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Effluent