Cytotoxicity and mechanism of Programmed cell death of Coleus amboinicus (Lour) against Colon Cancer Cell
Coleus amboinicus (Lour) (CA) has been reported to possess many pharmacological activities. In this study, evaluation of cytotoxicity using brine shrimp lethality bioassay and MTT assay using WiDr cell lines was carried out. The expression of several genes responsible for programmed cell death of the methanol extract of CA was also investigated. The morphology of the cells that was undergoing apoptosis was detected using Hoechst staining assay. The gene expression of Bax, Bcl-2, p53, caspase 1, 7, 8 and 9 of treated samples with different concentrations (10, 15, 25 & 50 µg/ml) were measured with RT PCR.
Steps to reproduce
The LC50 value of BSLA test using Probit analysis and IC50 of anti-proliferative cells using MTT assay were determined by Graphad 8.01 (Graphad Software, CA, USA). The Gene expression results were determined using One Way Anova with Dunnet’s test to evaluated the significance of differences fold changes between cell with treatment and control.