Data for "In-Situ Determination of Thermoelastic Properties of Magnesite at High Pressure and Temperature with Implications to Seismic Detectability of Moderately Carbonated Lithologies in the Earth’s Mantle"

Published: 4 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7tz4t7cd8c.1
MAN XU, Zhicheng Jing, James Van Orman, Tony Yu, Yanbin Wang


Experimental data for paper "In-Situ Determination of Thermoelastic Properties of Magnesite at High Pressure and Temperature with Implications to Seismic Detectability of Moderately Carbonated Lithologies in the Earth’s Mantle" by Xu et al., submitted to JGR-Solid Earth for consideration of publication. Three excel files include experimentally determined density and elastic wave velocity data, fitting results and comparison with previous studies, and the thermoelastic properties used for major mantle minerals for the calculations presented in Figure 4 and 5 in the paper..



Mineral Physics
