Real-world electric vehicle data: driving and charging

Published: 13 July 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/7vdkzpnjgj.2
, Anirudh Allam, Luca Pulvirenti, Alina Negoita, William Paxton, Simona Onori


The dataset collects real-world electric vehicle data over a period of 1 year and MATLAB scripts to recreate figures from the paper "Analysis and key findings from real-world electric vehicle field data" (published on Joule). The dataset is divided into two folders: “Drive” and “Charge”. In “Drive”, data acquired during vehicle driving are collected: current is positive and negative for acceleration/cruising and braking, respectively. In “Charge”, charging data are collected. The dataset is provided in the form of .mat files containing the following signals: - TimeCurr [s]: Timestamp for current @pack level - Curr [A]: Current @pack level - TimeVolt [s]: Timestamp for voltage @pack level - Volt [V]: Voltage @pack level - TimeSoC [s]: Timestamp for SoC @pack level - SoC [%]: SoC @pack level - TimeTemp [s]: Timestamp for temperature @pack level - Temp [°C]: Temperature @pack level - TimeEpoch [s]: Timestamp for epoch time - Epoch [s]: Epoch time Further information can be found in the README file.



Stanford University


Lithium Battery
