Muntele Rosu MLR Geomagnetic data of INCDFP
The location (45.4909o latitude N, 25.945o longitude E) of Muntele Rosu geomagnetic observatory was picked by Dr. Dumitru Enescu ( ) in such a way as to ensure an optimum positioning with respect to Vrancea seismic area [1]. Moreover, this site was so chosen as to be distant from rail-roads and any other sources of noise in order to avoid disturbing signals. The geomagnetic observatory consists of: -one three-axis magnetic field sensor (fluxgate; ±70 μT measuring range), produced by “Bartington Instruments” MAG03 (UK) (1996-2019); -two three-axis magnetic field sensor (fluxgate; ±70 μT measuring range), produced by “Bartington Instruments” MAG03 (UK) (2019-2022); - a data logger-acquisition module (six channels, 24 bytes resolution, sample rate programmable), produced also by “Bartington Instruments”; - a router for data transmission; - a computer for data storage and preliminary processing. The three-axis magnetic field sensor is low-noise type, which accounts for superior characteristics, namely: a band larger than the 2 kHz standard, actually upwards of 3 kHz; a 15 pT rms/√Hz noise and a lower-than-standard phase error. The parameters of the data logger-acquisition module are controlled by a software programme assuring a sample rate of 5 seconds and displays the average values at every 60 seconds. Special shelters were provided for the equipment and special work was carried out to place the electric sensors and layout quite a length of cable connecting the various components of the observatory. The magnetic equipment is placed in a specially designed, vibration-proof, nonmagnetic, thermostatic tunnel. Since 1996 until 2000, the recorded data were not continuous. After 2000, the data become more stable, and the periods with no data become smaller. In 2019, we have added a new magnetometer in the same place for some tests[2] and [3]. The structure of archived files is as follows: There are hourly data files for each day – MLRm6_yymmdd_HH, where HH = 00 - 23 The time format is: data - time, y - year, m - month, d - day, H - hour, M - minute, S - seconds, u - tenths of a second. The structure of a hourly file is: M0x M0y M0z M1x M1y M1z Time Date OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF 22540.4 1667.764 44535.31 21610.73 1269.825 33914.63 21/01/0100:00:00 Where: Mox, y and z and M1x, y and z are the geomagnetic components on the two magnetometers installed in Muntele Rosu observatory. ON and OFF is the status of the representation of the data in GEOBS application: The data are also graphical represented, using GRAFANA, on the PHENOMENAL PORTAL. References [1] B. D. Enescu, D. Enescu, and A. P. Constantin, The use of electromagnetic data for short-term prediction of Vrancea (Romania) earthquakes: Preliminary data, Earth Planets Space, 51, 1099–1117, 1999.
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The data were gathered using the MAG03 triaxial magnetic sensor and the DAM Bartington acquisition system [1]. The data were transmitted to INCDFP and then archived for the entire period of work. The geomagnetic data were primarily used for Vrancea earthquakes forecast (e.g. [1], [2]). References [1] Moldovan, I. A., Moldovan, A. S., Ionescu, C., & Panaiotu, C. G. (2010). MEMFIS–Multiple Electromagnetic Field And Infrasound Monitoring Network. Romanian Journal of Physics, 55(7-8), 841-851. [2] Mihai, A., Moldovan, I. A., Toader, V. E., & Radulian, M. (2021). THE GEOMAGNETIC FIELD VARIATIONS RECORDED IN VRANCEA ZONE DURING 2008-2013 AND THE SEISMIC ENERGY RELEASE. Romanian Reports in Physics, 73, 705. [3] Moldovan, I. A., Moldovan, A. S., Panaiotu, C. G., Placinta, A. O., & Marmureanu, G. H. (2009). The geomagnetic method on precursory phenomena associated with 2004 significant intermediate-depth Vrancea seismic activity. Romanian Journal in Physics, 54(1-2), 249-261. Acknowledgments This data were obtained and published within Nucleu Program MULTIRISC supported by MCI, project number PN19080102, Phenomenal Project PN-III-P2-2.1- PED-2019-1693, 480PED/2020 and AFROS Project PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-1361, 119 PCE/2021, supported by UEFISCDI.