Data for: 40Ar-39Ar step heating ages of North American tektites and of two impact melt rock samples from the Chesapeake Bay impact structure
Table A1 Summary of literature age data for NA Tektites and the Chesapeake Bay impact structure obtained using different analytical techniques: biostratigraphy, fission-track, 40Ar/39Ar total fusion and step heating, K/Ar and U/Pb. Where possible, sample ages have been corrected using the Steiger and Jäger (1977) decay constants and consistent monitor ages (Schwarz and Trieloff, 2007). Table A2 Chemical composition for a profile along a bediasite obtained by electron microprobe (in wt%). Table A3 Chemical composition for a profile along a georgiaite obtained by electron microprobe (in wt%). Appendix tables A4-A20 display measured argon isotopes corrected for mass discrimination, sensitivity, system blanks, decay and relative neutron doses. All isotopes are also corrected for interfering isotopes produced on K and Ca during irradiation.