Demographic factors and staff preparedness to adopt internet tools for research sharing during Covid-19 Among African Universities' Scholars

Published: 8 March 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7wvtfnpdrk.1
Valentine Joseph Owan,


This data is for the research on the demographic factors and staff preparedness to adopt internet tools for research sharing in African Universities during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The dataset contains information on staff age, gender, rank, academic qualifications, years of work experience, research area and country of residence, as well as the extent to which staff are willing to adopt 20 specific internet tools for research sharing during the Covid-19 pandemic. This dataset has been anonymised and does not provide any personal identification of any of the respondents .


Steps to reproduce

Draft a list of 20 internet-based platforms Organise the items on a five-point scale from 0 to 5 (Where zero indicates no willingness and 5 indicates a very high extent of willingness) Administer the survey to the targeted audience using electronic means (emails, forums, etc) through pollfish, survey monkey or Google forms


Education Research, Internet, COVID-19
