Horizontal slices and latitude sections of the 3-D lithospheric model of the North China Craton inverted with magnetotelluric array data
To map the resistivity structure and discuss the destruction of the North China Craton, we inverted 870 stations of magnetotelluric (MT) array data in a period range of 0.01~10,000 s using ModEM. These data were collected from 2010 to 2012 by China University of Geosciences Beijing. MTU-5A and Lemi-417 instruments were used to collect broadband and long-period data, respectively. Broadband and long-period Data were processed using SSMT2000 and Varentsov’s code, respectively, giving the broadband data a period range of 0.003 ~ 5,000 s and the long-period data a period range of 10 ~ 10,000 s. The folder “./ Coordinates” contains two files: “All stations.txt”, coordinates of all inverted MT stations in Longitude/Latitude format; “LMT.txt”, coordinates of all inverted long-period MT stations. The folder “./ Latitude Sections” contains resistivity sections cut from the 3-D resistivity model along latitudes in X(km)/Y(km)/Log10(rho) format. The folder “./ Horizontal Slices” contains horizontal resistivity slices cut from the 3-D resistivity model at some depths in Longitude/Latitude/Log10(rho) format.