Evolution of plume geometry, dilution and reactive mixing in porous media under highly transient flow fields at the surface water-groundwater interface
Highly transient boundary conditions affect mixing processes in porous media. An example these boundaries is the case of fluctuating rivers that are in contact with the aquifer. Here we apply flow-through experiments to study the evolution of plume geometry, dilution and mixing under such transient boundary coditions, using experimental data and simulation results. The transport simulations are performed with a modified version of the MT3D-USGS (Bedekar et al., 2016), in which we implement a non-linear velocity-dependent dispersion parametrization. This dataset contains the following files: data_Figs_3_4.mat Data for Figures 3 and 4. Concentration distibution of the tracer under transient flow conditions. data_Fig_5.mat Data for Figure 5. Observed and simulated breakthrough curves for the transient flow. data_Fig_6.mat Data for Figure 6. Vertical profiles for the transient flow. data_Figs_7_8.mat Data for Figures 7 and 8. Dilution index, perimeter and area. data_Fig_9.mat Data for Figure 9. Dilution index fand critical dilution index for different mixing ratios. mt_dsp5_modified.for Modified version of the dispersion code of MT3D-USGS with non-linear velocity-dependent parametrization The original source code of MT3D-USGS can be found in https://github.com/MODFLOW-USGS/mt3d-usgs References: Bedekar, V., Morway, E.D., Langevin, C.D., and Tonkin, M., 2016, MT3D-USGS version 1.0.0: Groundwater Solute Transport Simulator for MODFLOW: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 30 September 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.5066/F75T3HKD
Steps to reproduce
To implement the non-linear velocity-dependent paramterizaztion, the user can compile the MT3D-USGS code with the modified dispersion file. For additional information on MT3D-USGS, we refer the reader to the website of the USGS: https://www.usgs.gov/software/mt3d-usgs-groundwater-solute-transport-simulator-modflow.