Data for: Utilizing A Responsive Web Portal For Studying Disc Tracing Agreement in Retinal Images
This dataset includes the tracing done of two optometry doctors for the disc to two publicly available data sets the DRISHTI and ARIA. Any usage of the retinal images should include proper reference for these two publicly available data sets as well. along with our paper that is published in PlOSOne: Utilizing A Responsive Web Portal For Studying Disc Tracing Agreement in Retinal Images. Public Datasets References: DRISHTI: Sivaswamy J, Krishnadas S, Joshi GD, Jain M, Tabish AUS. Drishti-gs: Retinal image dataset for optic nerve head (onh) segmentation. In: 2014 IEEE 11th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI). IEEE; 2014. p. 53–56 ARIA: Bankhead P, Scholfield CN, McGeown JG, Curtis TM. Fast retinal vessel detection and measurement using wavelets and edge location refinement. PlOSOne. 2012;7(3).