Hybrid Input-Output tables for Argentina at year 2012
All data stand for the year 2012 The IOT_Val_ARG file gives the input-output table in millions of pesos for 19 sectors The IOT_Qtities_ARG file gives the input-output table in quantities for 19 sectors. The energy sectors are in ktoe, and the others in "pseudo-quantities". The IOT_Prices_ARG file gives the unitary prices that are consistent with IOT in volume and value for intermediate consumption, final consumption, production and imports. The IOT_CO2Emis_ARG gives the energy-consumption related emissions in MtCO2 for intermediate consumption and final consumption.
Steps to reproduce
The IMACLIM hybridisation procedure can be summarised in two main steps that we explain here succinctly using the energy sectors. The first step consists in reorganising the physical datasets - that are the energy balance in million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) and energy prices in euros per Mtoe – into input-output (IO) formats compatible with that of national accounts. As regards consumptions, this is not only a question of reallocating the physical energy flows of the energy balance to production sectors or households, but it is rather translating the knowledge of energy flows in national account terms. This means sorting out flows which in fact correspond to an economic transaction between national accounting agents, or even combining some of them to compute such flows (e.g. directly assigning to their accounting sectors the fuel consumptions of electricity auto-producers). In a second step trade-offs are made to adjust indicators and to guarantee the accounting balances. It starts with the reconstitution of energy expenses by the term-by-term product of volume and price tables. It then goes on with substituting this table of energy expenditures to that pre-existing in the system of national accounts in order to fully enforce energy statistics within the hybrid IOT. Other components of the system are further adjusted to maintain the accounting identities, without modifying the total value-added (VA) of domestic production. This is done : (i) for the energy sectors, by adjusting all non-energy expenses (including VA) pro rata the adjustment induced on total energy expenses, (ii) for all producing sectors and households, by compensating the difference between the recomputed energy expenditures and the original economic statistics through an adjustment of the expenses on the most aggregated non-energy good—a composite remainder of not specifically described economic activities, usually encompassing all service activities in E3 models. The underlying logic is to focus on the flows we are interested in, and put the rest in a large sector where the error reallocation will be unimportant given the large size of the sector. Sources: Coremberg A. et al 2016, GTAP Database v8, Official Energy balance and prices 2012 (Ministerio de Energía y de Minería)