Dataset of Islamic education teachers' pedagogical competence in classroom teaching

Published: 2 May 2023| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/7zwx6mnpnf.3
Aliff Nawi


The data provide important baseline information on Islamic education teachers' pedagogical competence in classroom teaching at religious schools in Terengganu, Malaysia. This data can be utilized by educators not only in Terengganu but also throughout Malaysia at large. The data can be a valuable resource at investigating the Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Islamic education teachers' pedagogical competence in classroom teaching in Malaysian contexts. Data set in this study consist of items from five constructs mainly : Pedagogical knowledge, Pedagogical content, Usability of textbooks, Content technology skills, Language skills and Emotional care.


Steps to reproduce

This dataset employs a cross-sectional quantitative design to determine confirmatory factor analysis of Islamic education teachers' pedagogical competence in classroom teaching at religious schools in Malaysian contexts. In this study, we used a two-phase procedure for scale development. The adaptation and translation of the research instruments is the first phase. We modified the research instrument using previous literature sources, then scale the translation. Using the reverse translation method, two experts translated the scale from English to Malay and from Malay to English. Face and content validity tests were examined in phase 2 by four expert panels to assess the suitability of the use of language, spelling, and clarity of all questionnaire items. The review for this face validity began on June 15, 2021, and ended on June 18, 2021. Following that, the researchers updated based on their suggestions to improve the appropriateness of the use of items in this questionnaire. After all researchers have updated and re-examined the questionnaire, content validity is determined to establish the extent to which the items in the prepared questionnaire represent the field or content being measured. Three different experts were brought in to comment on various aspects of the content and to verify the content of each domain. All comments, observations, and suggestions from this expert panel were positively considered to help make changes to the questionnaire instrument. Following an evaluation of the experts' perspectives, the results of 28 items were improved in terms of sentence structure and suitability with the construct, while three items were dropped based on expert panel recommendations and discussions with research members in the group.


Universiti Utara Malaysia


Pedagogy, Education
