Original data on performance of conventional and additively manufactured 316L under thermomechanical fatigue at 550-750 °C
Original data obtained within the comparative study on microstructure-property relation in 316L stainless steel manufactured conventionally by hot rolling and additively by laser powder bed fusion. Both 316L variants were subjected to thermomechanical fatigue in in-phase and out-of-phase mode at 550-750 °C.
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Materials investigated in this study were 316L variants prepared by hot rolling and by laser powder bed fusion. Cylindrical specimens were machined out of supplied intermediate materials in the form of hot-rolled sheets and printed bars, respectively. Thermomechanical fatigue tests were conducted in laboratory air on a computer-controlled servoelectric Zwick testing rig under total mechanical strain amplitude control. Strain was measured using a high-temperature extensometer with alumina extension rods. Total mechanical strain was deduced by subtracting thermal strains reached during preceding zero stress test which was then checked and corrected for each specimen. Heating was realised via an induction system with a copper coil, cooling was realised via thermal conduction into water-cooled grips. Specimens were subjected to uniaxial fully-reversed cyclic straining without dwells. Equal tension/compression ramps were employed (triangular cycle shape) and each cycle lasted 60 s, hence considering cycling at 550–750 °C, temperature rate was 6.7 °C/s. The tests were conducted in-phase (phase shift 0°) and out-of-phase (phase shift 180°). Total mechanical strain amplitudes were in range 0.2–0.6%. Microstructural characterization was conducted using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). SEM system LYRA 3 XMU FEG/SEMxFIB equipped with an electron back-scattered diffraction detector Symmetry S2. Imaging was conducted in secondary electron contrast and back-scattered electron contrast. Thin foils for TEM observations were prepared by electrolytical thinning at 12 °C/70 V using a 5 wt.% solution of perchloric acid in acetic acid. TEM observations were conducted using JEOL JEM-2100F equipped with an energy-dispersive spectroscope Oxford Instruments X-MAX 80, and Thermo Scientific Talos F200i with built-in EDS detector. Both microscopes allowed imaging in scanning mode. Particle analysis was conducted by selected area electron diffraction, i.e. by analysing spot diffraction patterns and Kikuchi lines in at least 3 different zones using the ICSD phase database and JEMS software.
Grantová Agentura České Republiky
Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy
CZ.02.2.69/ 0.0/0.0/18_053/0016933
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme