Ottoman Migration Figures
These data were collected from the referenced sources for the PhD thesis research on ‘Turkish Migration Policy’. It was prepared in order to analyse the migration flows and population data that emerged as a result of the migration policies of the Ottoman period.
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Table A.1. Compiled by the author from Kemal Karpat's book The Population of the Ottoman Empire. Sources and references used by the author in his study are given in the notes below. (1) Kemal Karpat, Ottoman Population, P.114. Orijinal Kaynak: Memalik-i Mahrusa-i Sahanede 1247 Senesinde Mevcut Olan Nüfus Defteri kayıtları (2) Kemal Karpat, Ottoman Populatoin, p.116. Orijinal Kaynak: Source: Jean Henri Abdolomyne Ubicini. Letters on Turkey, trans. Lady Easthope, London, 1856: reprint ed., New York: Amo Press, 1973), pp. 18-19, 22. (3) Kemal Karpat, Ottoman Populatoin, p.117. Orijinal Kaynak: A. Ritter zur Helle von Samo. The people of the Ottoman Empire Vienna. 1877. (4) Kemal Karpat, Ottoman Populatoin, P.148-149. Kaynak: Osmanlı Arşivleri: BA (Y)'(P).'11s 311, no, 215. (5) Kemal Karpat, Ottoman Populatoin, P.152-153. Kaynak: Osmanlı Arşivleri: BA(Y) (Sadaret. Hususi Maruzati) H 3 C 1312, no. 20/2 of R 20 Tegrinisani 1310 (2 Aralık 1894). (6) Kemal Karpat, Ottoman Populatoin, P.156-157. Kaynak: Osmanlı Arşivileri: BA (Y).(P),1171, "Sicill-i Nufus, Idare-i Umumiyyesi" of 17 Ramazan 1312 R. 2 Mart 1311, (14 Mart 1895). (7) Kemal Karpat, Ottoman Populatoin, P.158-159. Kaynak: Osmanlı Arşivleri: BA (Y)/(P) 1313/1459 e (8) Kemal Karpat, Ottoman Populatoin, P.160-161. Kaynak: Osmanlı Arşivleri: IUKTY 9184 (9) Kemal Karpat, Ottoman Populatoin, P.168-169. Kaynak: Osmanlı Arşivleri: IUKTY 947, "Memalik-i Osmaniyyede Dehil-i Tahrir Olan Nuftusun Icmali". (10) Kemal Karpat, Ottoman Populatoin, P.188-189. Ministry of the Interior, Directorate General of the Administration of Population Registers, Memalik-i Osmaniyyenin 1330 Senesi Niifus Istatistiki [Population statistics of the Ottoman state in the year 1914] (Istanbul, 1919). Source: Karpat K. Demographic and Social Characteristics of the Ottoman Population 1830-1914 -Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1985. 243 p.