Focal Mechanism Solutions Dataset of Local Earthquakes (1951-2020) in Egypt
This file incorporates the final gathered and analyzed focal mechanisms for local earthquakes that present moment magnitudes equal to or greater than 3.0, and occurred from 1951 to 2020, in Egypt. The current dataset comprises a total number of 462 focal mechanism solutions covering the spatial region from 21° to 34°N latitudes and from 24° to 38°E longitudes. Reported parameters for each included earthquake in this dataset are the origin time (year-month-date) and date (hour-minute-second), coordinates in terms of longitude and latitude, depth and magnitude values, faulting parameters for the two nodal planes in terms of the strike, dip and rake angles, azimuth and plunge of the principal strain axes (P-,T-, and B-axes), as well as the faulting type (Normal “NF”, Normal with strike-slip component “NS”, Strike-slip “SS”, Reverse “TF”, Reverse with strike-slip component “TS”, or Undefined “U” faulting).