
Published: 27 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/85dmsrnw6x.1


The increasing soil salinization in agricultural fields, severely affecting soil quality and crop yield, has drawn much attention. Salt barriers, due to their low cost and abundant material sources, are widely used to mitigate salinization. However, effects of salt barriers on soil salinity and crop yield under various environmental factors and salt barriers parameters remain unclear. The present meta-analysis, encompassing 54 studies, quantified the impact of salt barriers on soil salinity and crop yield and the mechanisms by which salt barriers affect yield.


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This study was conducted by using Web of Science and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) to conduct a search for articles published before January 2024 and peer-reviewed. The search terms were the following: (salt barrier OR salt-isolation layer OR soil interlayer OR straw interlayer OR returning straw to the field OR Straw deep returning OR buried straw OR buried straw layer OR straw deep mulching OR deep straw mulchin OR depth of straw incorporation OR corn stalk OR deep straw burial OR depth of straw incorporation OR gravel OR Sand OR Zeolite OR Ceramic granules OR Terracotta granules OR Slag OR Mineral slag) and (Saline OR soil Salinisation OR Saline-alkali OR saline-soc soil OR saline earth). The article was screened using the following criteria: (1) experiments must be conducted under controlled conditions in pots (micro-zone field experiments), field experiments, and must include a control group (no salt barrier added); (2) study determinations must include soil water content (SWC), SSC, soil physicochemical properties; (3) the number of experimental replications must be more than three; (4) the analysis of results involved must include mean, sample size, and standard deviation/error. The final collection of 54 papers from different regions. A Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses diagram were used to describe the meta-analysis .For each article, we recorded the geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) and soil characteristics, including pH, SSC, SWC, bulk density (BD), soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), total potassium (TK), alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen (AN), available potassium (AK), and available phosphorus (AP). We Used Engauge Digitiser 4 (http://digitiser.sourceforge.net) to digitise and extract data from graphical results.


