Dataset on Agro-Pastoral Youth Participation in Development Interventions in East and West Hararghe Zones, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

Published: 3 March 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/85jrjvp7pm.2
, Getachew Endris, Chanyalew Seyoum, Jemal Hassen, Jeylan Wolyie, Dereje Kifle, MILLION SILESHI HAILE, Abdi M Ibrahim, Kedija Kediro, kidesna sebesibe


Data were collected from male and female youth (15-29 years old) located in 4 Woredas/districts of East and West Hararghe Zones, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. The research covered a total of 398 randomly selected youth. Roughly 50% of the sample were female youth. Selection criteria included: gender, education, economic and social status, and resource endowment. The STATA dataset (WORDOFA_Youth_Participation_Dataset_02 March 2023.dta) contains the following elements. 1. Study area and participant identifiers (ZONE, WOREDA, Household/respondent ID); 2. Socio-demographic characteristics (age, education, family size, gender). 3. Data on youth employment and participation in the labour market (using ‘availability of appropriate job opportunities’ and ‘youth engagement in on-farm and non-/off-farm income-generating activities’). 4. Youth engagement in on-farm and non-/off-farm income-generating activities (IGAs): in addition to access to employment and status of employment, this section presents data on childhood job aspirations and interest of the youth to start their own businesses and IGAs. 5. Data on agricultural production, income and food security status (experience in farming, land holding size, land registration certificate, livestock possessions, expenditure for productive inputs, on-farm income, food consumption score, household dietary diversity score) 6. Data on youth perception on whether agriculture can be a basic means of livelihood; whether agriculture can be a viable profession with a reasonable financial return; and level of satisfaction with current (agricultural) job 7. Data on youth access to basic services, infrastructure and facilities, youth ownership of asset, control over use of income, and decision about credit. 8. Data on youth participation in public extension and advisory services, including farmer field schools (FFSs), farmer training centers (FTCs), and pastoral training centers (PTCs) 9. Data on youth participation in microfinance institutions (MFI) and small and medium enterprise (SME) promotion activities. 10. Youth engagement in community-based organizations (CBOs), networks and groups; youth participation in the productive safety net program (PSNP) and cooperatives. 11. Data on status of youth access to and participation in the activities of various NGOs operating in their vicinity. The variable names, labels, values and descriptions of all the 64 variables contained in the STATA file are given in the file: Codebook - description of variables in the dataset.pdf


Steps to reproduce

The data were partially analyzed using descriptive (mean, frequency, standard deviation etc) and inferential (t-test and chi-square test) statistics. The file (Codebook - description of variables in the dataset.pdf) provides a detailed account of the analyses. Food Consumption Score (FCS) was measured using both the types of food groups consumed and the frequency of consumption of these food groups, and computed by employing the procedures indicated in the World Food Program (WFP) Technical Annex 2012. In order to capture the dietary habit of the sample households, seven days recall period was used which further reduces the risk of selection bias. Frequency of consumption and weights attached to each food group are used for computing food consumption score. The Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) is a measure of food adequacy indicating the number of food groups consumed at household level, which is considered to be an indicator for economic ability of households. Dietary diversity refers to the number of food groups (e.g., cereals, vegetables, milk, meat, legumes, eggs and fruits) consumed over 24 hours recall period. Comparisons based on gender, Zone, and Woreda were also performed for all relevant characteristics, and the outputs were presented in Tables and Graphs/Figures.


Haramaya University


Social Sciences, Agricultural Economics, Youth


Purdue University

Purdue University Agreement No. F9002550402135 and USAID Prime Agreement No. 7200AA18CA00009
