Dataset from transnational survey about Electric Vehicles' knowledge and attitude of European consumers

Published: 24 March 2023| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/85nz9k5tf5.4
, Thomas Troels-Smith


This dataset contains data concerning a transnational survey about knowledge and attitude levels towards electric vehicles (EVs) across European consumers. The survey was conducted within the context of the proEME project ( in five countries namely, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Norway and The Netherlands. Its purpose was to understand public knowledge and perception of EVs, and to identify the misconceived topics about EVs. The survey consisted of 51 multiple-choice questions with topics such as socio-demographics, mobility behaviour and included 23 statements regarding “EV myths”. This dataset can be used for quantitative and qualitative analyses in the area of public perceptions and understanding of EVs.


Steps to reproduce

The data were collected by means of a web-based questionnaire. For each country, about 1500 respondents, aged between 18 and 70, completed the questionnaire in their local language. The dataset is composed of 11 files as follows. “(1)_NL_EVsurvey_data.sav” contains all the raw data (in Dutch) corresponding to the survey conducted in The Netherlands in December 2019. Accordingly, the file “(2)_NL_EVsurvey_data_EN.sav” contains the English translation of such dataset . Furthermore, the files “(3)_NL_EVsurvey_EN_datavalues.csv” and “(4)_NL_EVsurvey_datalabels.csv”, contain the same data but offered in a .csv format for easier access. The other dataset can be found in the file: “(5)_Transnational_EVsurvey_data.sav”, which contains all the raw data (in English) corresponding to the survey conducted in Denmark, Germany, Hungary and Norway in April-May 2020. As with the Dutch survey dataset, the files “(6)_Transnational_EVsurvey_datavalues.csv” and “(7)_Transnational_EVsurvey_datalabels” contain the open format raw data of such dataset for easier access. In addition, three MS Excel documents are provided. First, the “(8)_Transnational_Weighting_specification.xlsx” and “(9)_NL_Weighting_specification.xlsx” files describe the weighting specification of the corresponding dataset. Second, the “(10)_NL_Grouptest.xlsx” presents the statistical testing analysis done to determine whether the responses per subgroup in the sample indicate differences in the surveyed Dutch population. Finally, all the questions of the survey, which can be found in Table 1, in all five languages plus English as the baseline, are included in the MS Excel document: “(11)_TransnationalSurvey_Questions_All_Languages.xlsx”.


Universiteit Twente


Consumer Behavior, Urban Mobility, Electric Vehicles


ERA NET COFUND Electric Mobility Europe (EMEurope)
