MICE Tourism Gendered Authorship Corpus (MTGAC): A Scopus-Sourced Dataset

Published: 29 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/863538jnx9.1


The dataset comprises 208 scholarly articles from the Scopus database, focusing on MICE tourism research, with an analytical lens on gender representation in authorship. Key metadata include the gender of the main author, citation count, article title, source title, publication year, abbreviated source title, original document language, country of publication, open access status, digital object identifier (DOI), and up to nine author keywords. This dataset facilitates gender-based bibliometric analysis in tourism studies, supporting research into authorship trends and thematic focus within the MICE tourism sector. It is a valuable resource for researchers examining gender dynamics in academic output and thematic evolution over time. The dataset is registered in Mendeley for ease of access and citation.


Steps to reproduce

The search strategy was constructed to capture articles within the MICE tourism domain, specifically targeting those in the final publication stage and categorized as articles in the business subject area. We used a combination of title, abstract, and keyword search terms like 'trade fair', 'trade exhibition', 'trade show', 'congress', 'convention', and 'incentive' in conjunction with 'tourism'. The search was refined to include only articles from select tourism management and event tourism journals. For gender identification, Python libraries such as Gender-Guesser were employed to automate the gender classification based on authors' first names. Ambiguities or uncertainties in gender classification were resolved by cross-referencing with Google Scholar profiles, providing an additional layer of verification to enhance the accuracy of the dataset.


Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


Tourism, Researcher, Knowledge Diffusion, Gender Gap
