CDPDS: Coupled dipole method-based photonic dispersion solver

Published: 13 September 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/865ntt8w7v.1


We develop and release a photonic band dispersion solver based on the coupled dipole method called CDPDS, which aims to provide an analytical computation of bulk and boundary dispersions and topological phases of a one-dimensional and two-dimensional photonic crystal consisting of an array of particles. The main advantages of CDPDS include (i) a wide coverage of computation that spans the bulk dispersion of a unit cell, boundary dispersion of a supercell comprising one or two types of photonic crystals, and topological phases, (ii) the inclusion of a straightforward graphical user interface that facilitates high accessibility to users who have no expertise in computer programming, and (iii) the addition of built-in options that are useful in examining the photonic dispersions of several widely used systems. The basic principle and computational method incorporated into CDPDS and its performance verification using two distinct photonic crystals are presented in this article. The results indicate that CDPDS will serve as helpful and accessible guidance for computing photonic band dispersions in the fields of conventional and topological photonics.



Computational Physics, Photonic Crystal, Photonic Band Gap
