LMJFC_Coding sequences

Published: 23 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/86jp68dv29.1
Jose M. Requena


This file (gff format) contains the coding sequences annotated in the Leishmania major (Friedlin) genome. This dataset is related to Mendeley dataset LMJFC_Genome sequence (DOI:10.17632/mcxg7rt2rv.1). For additional information, see: Camacho, E., González-de la Fuente, S., Solana, J.C., Rastrojo, A., Carrasco-Ramiro, F., Requena, J.M., and Aguado, B. (2021). Gene annotation and transcriptome delineation on a de novo genome assembly for the reference Leishmania major Friedlin strain. Genes (Basel). 12, 1359.


Steps to reproduce

It can be open directly in Excel. Alternatively, it can be converted to gff format and visualized using IGV. For this purpose, please, use the Mendeley dataset LMJFC_Genome sequence (DOI:10.17632/mcxg7rt2rv.1).


Universidad Autonoma de Madrid


Natural Sciences, Genome, Leishmania, Coding (DNA)
