Research data supporting "A tale of two tails: Do Power Law and Lognormal models fit firm-size distributions in the mid-Victorian era?"
This dataset contains firm-size distributions for mid-Victorian era from the 1851-1881 England and Wales censuses and corresponds to research data supporting "A tale of two tails: Do Power Law and Lognormal models fit firm-size distributions in the mid-Victorian era?" by Montebruno, P., Bennett, R, van Lieshout, C., and Smith, H. as an outcome of the ESRC project ES/M010953: Drivers of Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses lead by PI Prof. Robert J. Bennett. The material consists of one raw text file with eight variables: 1. Frequency distribution of 1851 2. Frequency distribution of 1861 3. Frequency distribution of 1871 4. Frequency distribution of 1881 5. Size distribution of 1851 6. Size distribution of 1861 7. Size distribution of 1871 8. Size distribution of 1881 A detailed explanation of how these distributions were obtained and how to use them in the context of firm-size distribution analysis including the distinction between Power Law and Lognormal behaviour in the tails can be found in the paper "A tale of two tails: Do Power Law and Lognormal models fit firm-size distributions in the mid-Victorian era?" by Montebruno, P., Bennett, R, van Lieshout, C., and Smith, H. published in the journal Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. The file can be opened in any text editor, database management system (Access) or statistical package (Stata, SPSS). This dataset should be cited as Montebruno, P., Bennett, R., van Lieshout, C., and Smith, H. “Research data supporting "A tale of two tails: Do Power Law and Lognormal models fit firm-size distributions in the mid-Victorian era?"” Mendeley Data.