Bistable flow data from the wake behind two parallel cylinders with P/D = 1.26 and various Reynolds numbers

Published: 16 November 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/875kgw4ynn.1


Data result from careful measurements with hot wires in an aerodynamic channel to study the phenomenon of the bistability in the wake of two parallel cylinders submitted to a turbulent cross flow. The cylinders were made from commercial PVC (PolyVinyl Chloride) with 25.1 mm diameter and pitch-to-diameter ratio p/d = 1.26. The experimental time series were acquired in one of the aerodynamic channels of the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of UFRGS. The channel is made of acrylic glass, with a rectangular test section of 0.146 m height, width of 0.193 m, and 0.9 m length. The airflow is driven by a centrifugal fan with 0.75 kW and passes through two honeycombs and two screens to reduce the turbulence intensity to about 1% of the free stream velocity in the test section. Upstream the test section, placed in one of the sidewalls, a Pitot tube measures the reference velocity of the impinging flow. This velocity is approximately the average velocity in the channel used for the determination of the Reynolds number. The Reynolds numbers (Re) of the experiments were 7220, 11417, 14434, 15494, 19442, and 23258, based on the cylinder diameter and the air properties at room temperature. The axial component of the wake flow velocity behind the cylinder set and its fluctuations was measured with a DANTEC StreamLine constant hot-wire anemometer equipped with a DANTEC 55P11 single wire probe. The sampling frequency was 1 kHz, with a low pass filter at 300 Hz, and the time acquisition was 65,536 s. Data acquisition was performed by a USB 16-bit NI USB-9162 A/D board. Instantaneous velocity values for each Reynolds number: time (s), wake flow velocity (m/s). Re_7720.txt Re_11417.txt Re_14434.txt Re_15494.txt Re_19442.txt Re_23258.txt


Steps to reproduce

Data time series are in .txt format to be read by almost all software.


Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Fluid Dynamics, Nonlinear Signal
