Data for: Does Overall Cervical Spine Pathology Relate to the Clinical Heterogeneity of Chronic Whiplash?

Published: 26 April 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/875npdycwd.2
James Elliott


We do not dispute the limited evidence for the clinical importance of most imaging findings in acute whiplash. However, we contend it is possible the type and number of findings on acute Computed Tomography (CT) may contribute to prognostic recovery models. Our purpose is to interpret cervical spine pathologies in the context of other known factors influencing whiplash recovery. Findings provide foundation that acute CT findings may contribute to recovery prediction models, especially where 3 or more findings are identified. Such work offers new research directives towards considering multivariate and multisystem factors in establishing prognostic profiles for acutely injured patients and may lead to new intervention targets to prevent chronicity.



Radiology, Physical Therapy, Whiplash Associated Disorder
