Data for: A Dynamic Meshing Scheme for Integrated Hydrologic Modelling to Represent Evolving Landscapes

Published: 7 November 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/87bw6ypzvx.2
Hyoun-Tae Hwang


A. HydroGeoSphere (HGS) Simulation Process This study involves two primary steps for solving the research problems. First, a data file is prepared for the pre-processor (known as "grok"), which is subsequently executed to generate input data files for PHGS. In the second step, PHGS is initiated to solve the problem and generates output data files. B. Dataset Description The repository encompasses two primary dataset categories: 1. Field Application Data: This dataset contains the information used in the main paper. 2. Dynamic Meshing Scheme Verification Data: All data used for figures in the main paper is stored in this repository. The file names correspond to the figure names in the main paper. The grok files (*.grok) included in the dataset are pre-processors essential for running the simulations. To execute the simulations and visualize their outcomes, three executables (GROK.EXE, PHGS.EXE, and HSPLOT.EXE) are required. For additional information, please contact the first author, Hyoun-Tae Hwang. C. HGS Version Requirements for Simulations with Dynamic Meshing Schemes To perform simulations involving dynamic meshing schemes, the following HGS version requirements must be met: 1. General Fixed Mesh Simulations: HGS version 2022 or higher is required. 2. Dynamic Meshing Problems: A special version of HGS for dynamic meshing is needed to simulate the dynamic meshing scenarios used in this study. D. License Notice Please be aware that permission is required for redistributing the data, and it should not be used for commercial purposes.



Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Subsurface Hydrology, Surface Water Hydrology, Distributed Hydrologic Modeling, Groundwater Management


Suncor Energy Incorporated
