Barriers to the application of physical assessment skills

Published: 12 August 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/87cz6zrhst.2
Rosli Syeril Nadia


1. Research hypothesis:- i) There is no correlation between nurses' characteristics and the barriers perceived in application of physical assessment skills ii) There is no correlation between perceived barriers and the application of physical assessment skills by critical-care nurses 2. This dataset consists of:- i) Characteristics data of nurses, ii) Frequency of applied physical assessment skills, iii) Physical assessment time occurrence iv) Scores of barriers perceived in application of physical assessment skills, there were 7 subscales:- a) Reliance on others and technology b) Lack of time and interruptions c) Ward culture d) Lack of confidence e) Lack of nursing role models f) Lack of influence on patient care g) Specialty area 3. This data was interpreted as follow:- i) The characteristics of nurses were descriptively analyzed ii) The frequency of applied physical assessment skills was summed in obtaining the total score of each skill. Each skill has 5 marks and the total score is 200. iii) The 7 subscales of perceived barriers were analyzed by calculating the median score then analyzed by using Spearman rho to find the correlation with the applied physical assessment skills


Steps to reproduce

1) The data was gathered by self-administered questionnaires distributed among critical-care nurses in the study settings. 2) Once data was collected, it was analyzed by using SPSS. The simultaneous information of physical assessment used and perceived barriers gathered in this study was successful. 3) The study can be reproduced by conducting a quasi-experimental study investigating the effect of any training or courses provided to the participants towards the application of physical assessment skills.


Universiti Putra Malaysia


Nursing Assessment, Critical Care, Assessment, Technique of Physical Assessment, Vital Sign in Nursing Care, Physical Examination
