Prevalence of oral conditions and feasibility of self-reported oral conditions (SROC) questionnaire for screening voluntary blood donors
Sex: Male = 1; Female = 2 Codes for Self reported oral conditions [“do you have decayed teeth?”, “do you have gum disease?”, “do you have any infection in your mouth?” and “do you have pain in your gums or teeth?”], decayed teeth, decayed teeth with pulpal involvement, periodontitis (pockets, recession, or mobility), pericoronitis, abscess, or purulent discharge) 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Steps to reproduce
We conducted a cross-sectional survey among voluntary blood donors after fulfilling the blood donation criteria in out-reach blood donation camps. A self-administered questionnaire was designed in English to capture information on demographics (age and sex) and Self reported oral conditions [“do you have decayed teeth?”, “do you have gum disease?”, “do you have any infection in your mouth?” and “do you have pain in your gums or teeth?”]. A trained and calibrated dentist performed a clinical oral examination (decayed teeth, decayed teeth with pulpal involvement, periodontitis (pockets, recession, or mobility), pericoronitis, abscess, or purulent discharge) with universal precautions using a mouth mirror and probe under artificial illumination as per WHO criteria. The blood collected from donors with active oral conditions and potential for bacteremia were sent for bacterial culture and sensitivity tests.