TASD-Dataset: Text-based Early Autism Spectrum Disorder Detection Dataset for Toddlers

Published: 12 February 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/87s2br3ptb.2
Rania HACHEMI, Houssem Eddine degha


The TASD-Dataset is tailored for early ASD detection in toddlers, providing detailed textual sequences that describe the daily situations of toddlers both with and without ASD. It incorporates essential ASD assessment features such as Attention Response, Word Repetition, Emotional Empathy, and introduces new features including Noise Sensitivity, Sharing Interest, Sign Communication, and Tiptoe Flapping. Each feature is intricately linked with specific toddler behaviors, offering nuanced insights for parents and aiding in the identification of ASD-related signals. By emphasizing these features, the dataset facilitates the development of machine learning models to explore behavioral markers crucial for early ASD risk detection. Here's a summary of the key features: - Attention Response: Reflects how toddlers respond to external stimuli, indicating differences in sensory processing or responsiveness. - Change Reaction: Assesses how toddlers adapt to changes, potentially indicating challenges in flexibility or coping mechanisms. - Word Repetition: Involves repetitive use of words or phrases, often seen in children with ASD as echolalia or repetitive speech. - Eye Contact: Indicates the frequency and quality of a child's eye contact during social interactions, impacting social communication abilities. - Emotional Empathy: Measures a child's ability to comprehend and respond to others' emotions. - Finger Movements: Observes repetitive finger movements or hand gestures, often indicative of self-stimulatory behaviors. - Focused Attention: Evaluates a child's capacity to maintain concentration on a task, potentially indicating attention deficits. - Follow Pointing: Assesses a child's ability to follow pointing gestures, a skill crucial for social communication. - Repetitive Behavior: Encompasses persistent and ritualistic actions or interests commonly seen in ASD. - Toy Arranging: Examines a child's inclination or patterns in arranging toys, reflecting preferences or behaviors seen in ASD. - Noise Sensitivity: Gauges a toddler's sensitivity to auditory stimuli, including reactions to loud noises or certain frequencies. - Sharing Interest: Assesses a child's ability to engage in joint attention and reciprocal interactions with others. - Sign Communication: Evaluates the use of gestures or signs as a means of communication, crucial for early communication skills. - Tiptoe Flapping: Observes repetitive behaviors such as tiptoe walking combined with hand flapping, potentially associated with sensory-seeking behaviors seen in ASD. The dataset for Early ASD Detection in Toddlers offers valuable insights into behavioral features associated with ASD, providing researchers and practitioners with a rich resource for advancing early intervention strategies and improving outcomes for children with ASD.



Universite de Ghardaia


Autism Spectrum Disorder, Textual Database, Childhood Autism, Patient with Autism Spectrum Disorder
