Codes for the Article “Una revisión del impacto económico del cambio climático en Chile versus otros países: pérdida del PIB, productividad laboral, agricultura, costos en salud y políticas fiscales”, Estudios Públicos, 2022, 168, 7-36.
Published: 12 December 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/88y7ykjkb7.1
Carlos MadeiraDescription
These codes use the original sources of data to add in replicating the article. All data files (.dta and .do) are in Stata format. Users are encouraged to look for the original datasources.
Steps to reproduce
I include the Stata codes necessary to replicate this empirical dataset from the original source datasets. Use the master file that calls all the other codes in sequence to implement the analysis from beginning to end.
Economic Growth, Climate Change, Climate Change Impact, Global Warming, Counterfactual History