Desktop-Scale Robot Tape Manipulation for Additive Manufacturing. Tushar et al.

Published: 18 September 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/88ybzv5d5s.2
Nahid Tushar


This dataset contains the CAD files and assemblies used in the study titled " Desktop-Scale Robot Tape Manipulation for Additive Manufacturing " by Nahid Tushar et al. The dataset includes a comprehensive set of 3D models and assembly files in a ZIP folder, which are integral to the design and fabrication of the tape print module (TPM) presented in the research. The CAD files are provided in standard formats to facilitate reproduction and further study by other researchers. These files were created using SolidWorks and can be opened and modified with compatible CAD software. Contents: • 3D Model Files (.step, .sldprt) • Assembly Files (.sldasm) Usage Notes: The files included in this dataset are intended for educational and research purposes. Please cite this dataset and the associated publication when using these files in your work.


Steps to reproduce

Download and extract the folder to a desired directory, and open the file "TPM_MountNewDesignAssembly_NT.SLDASM" to visualize the design of the Tape Print Module (TPM). All parts and components of the TPM are included in the folder as well as part files. Feel free to reach out in case.


University of Arkansas Fayetteville


Computer-Aided Design
