household profiles

Published: 2 August 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/89fwj6yb8z.1
Timo Kern


electrical and thermal consumption profile, PV generation profile, and EV driving profile in 10-minute time resolution for 20 average households in Munich, Germany Consumption and EV driving profile are output of FfE household load generator [1]. PV generation profile is based on solar data [2] [1] Müller, M.; Biedenbach, F.; Reinhard, J. Development of an Integrated Simulation Model for Load and Mobility Profiles of Private Households. Energies 2020, 13, 3843. [2] Schroedter‐Homscheidt, Marion et al.: User’s Guide to the CAMS Radiation Service - Status December 2016. Shinfield Park: ECMWF, 2016.



Solar Power Generation, Electric Vehicles, Load Profile
