Data for: To use or not to use ad blockers? The roles of knowledge of ad blockers and attitude toward online advertising
In this file, the rows represent the 1,511 subjects of the final sample, and the columns correspond to the following variables/items: Sex: male/female. Age: years. Current users of ad blockers: 1 for those participants who were using ad blockers at the moment, and 0 otherwise. Past users of ad blockers: 1 if the participant had been using ad blockers previously but decided to stop using them, and 0 otherwise. The following items correspond to the latent variables (please see Table 1) and are rated on a seven-point Likert scale (from –3 = completely disagree, to 3 = completely agree). kab_1: I have knowledge about the tools that block Internet advertising such as AdBlock. kab_2: I am aware that these tools (ad blockers) are easy to install on a computer. kab_3: I know that ad blockers reduce risk of viruses and malicious software. kab_4: I know that these blockers filter out advertisements that might interest me. aoa_1: I think Internet advertisements are worth it. aoa_2: Generally, I consider Internet advertising to be a good thing. aoa_3: My general opinion about Internet advertising is highly favorable. aoa_4: I appreciate seeing advertising messages on the Internet. poa_1: Internet advertising is very entertaining. poa_2: Sometimes I take pleasure in thinking about what I saw or heard on online ads. poa_3: Viewing online advertisements is a pleasant experience for me. poa_4: Sometimes online advertising is even more enjoyable than other Internet content. coa_1: Consumers may obtain reliable information through Internet advertising. coa_2: Most Internet advertisements are trustworthy. coa_3: Online advertisements reliably inform about the quality of products. coa_4: Internet advertisements accurately reflect what products are like. eoa_1: Internet advertising contributes to society’s economic development. eoa_2: Internet advertising helps raise our standard of living. eoa_3: Online advertisements promote competition, which benefits consumers. eoa_4: Online advertisements are necessary to support websites. ioa_1: Online advertising gets in the way of my Internet searches. ioa_2: Online advertising disrupts my activity on the Internet. ioa_3: Online advertising distracts me from my objectives while on the Internet. ioa_4: Internet advertisements intrude on the content I am accessing. oac_1: There are too many advertisements on the Internet. oac_2: Internet advertisements are very repetitive. oac_3: Web sites are full of advertising messages. oac_4: We Internet users are inundated with so much online advertising.