Data for: To use or not to use ad blockers? The roles of knowledge of ad blockers and attitude toward online advertising

Published: 1 May 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/89nk3kp8tg.1
Ignacio Redondo, Gloria Aznar


In this file, the rows represent the 1,511 subjects of the final sample, and the columns correspond to the following variables/items: Sex: male/female. Age: years. Current users of ad blockers: 1 for those participants who were using ad blockers at the moment, and 0 otherwise. Past users of ad blockers: 1 if the participant had been using ad blockers previously but decided to stop using them, and 0 otherwise. The following items correspond to the latent variables (please see Table 1) and are rated on a seven-point Likert scale (from –3 = completely disagree, to 3 = completely agree). kab_1: I have knowledge about the tools that block Internet advertising such as AdBlock. kab_2: I am aware that these tools (ad blockers) are easy to install on a computer. kab_3: I know that ad blockers reduce risk of viruses and malicious software. kab_4: I know that these blockers filter out advertisements that might interest me. aoa_1: I think Internet advertisements are worth it. aoa_2: Generally, I consider Internet advertising to be a good thing. aoa_3: My general opinion about Internet advertising is highly favorable. aoa_4: I appreciate seeing advertising messages on the Internet. poa_1: Internet advertising is very entertaining. poa_2: Sometimes I take pleasure in thinking about what I saw or heard on online ads. poa_3: Viewing online advertisements is a pleasant experience for me. poa_4: Sometimes online advertising is even more enjoyable than other Internet content. coa_1: Consumers may obtain reliable information through Internet advertising. coa_2: Most Internet advertisements are trustworthy. coa_3: Online advertisements reliably inform about the quality of products. coa_4: Internet advertisements accurately reflect what products are like. eoa_1: Internet advertising contributes to society’s economic development. eoa_2: Internet advertising helps raise our standard of living. eoa_3: Online advertisements promote competition, which benefits consumers. eoa_4: Online advertisements are necessary to support websites. ioa_1: Online advertising gets in the way of my Internet searches. ioa_2: Online advertising disrupts my activity on the Internet. ioa_3: Online advertising distracts me from my objectives while on the Internet. ioa_4: Internet advertisements intrude on the content I am accessing. oac_1: There are too many advertisements on the Internet. oac_2: Internet advertisements are very repetitive. oac_3: Web sites are full of advertising messages. oac_4: We Internet users are inundated with so much online advertising.



Software, Internet Advertising, Website Visitor Behaviour, Technology Adoption
