Air ion concentrations, aerosol size distribution and electric charge state, and potential gradient upwind and downwind of AC high-voltage powerlines

Published: 31 October 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/89pj7z5br9.1
Matthew Wright, Alison Buckley, James Matthews, Dudley Shallcross, Denis Henshaw


Data should be read in conjunction with associated paper (submitted for peer review as at 31-Oct-2022) where Materials and Methods are described. "Time Series Data" file shows time series of ion concentrations and charge asymmetry values for each individual measurement obtained using ACIMS (described in Fews et al 2005, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2004.11.008). Where additional analysis was undertaken (splitting raw data into separate negative and positive half-cycles, or determining concentration of intermediate ions) these are presented as additional columns. If no data is present in a column, no data was collected for that parameter during that measurement. Note that the times of data are not necessarily coincident with each other due to instrumental issues. "Particle Data" file shows the particle number size distribution obtained using SMPS+C (Grimm Aerosol Technik) including statistical parameters (total number concentration, geometric mean diameter and geometric standard deviation of the size distribution (first table, headed Number Size Distribution), raw count data for the charge-conditioned SMPS+C (second table, headed 'NEUT'), raw count data for the ambient mobility SMPS+C (third table, headed 'NO NEUT') and the results of the fitting procedure described in Buckley et al., 2008 DOI:10.1080/02786820802400645 (fourth table, headed 'FIT') for each individual SMPS+C cycle on each measurement occasion. "PG" files contain raw potential gradient (PG) data obtained using a JCI 131 electrostatic field mill meter at 1 s intervals for each of the case studies (5 measurement days) presented. Throughout these files the following abbreviations are used: 2-letter site codes (e.g. HH) are described in Table 1 in the associated paper UW = upwind of HVPL DW = downwind of HVPL BG = background site away from HVPL PG = atmospheric potential gradient



University of Bristol


Atmospheric Aerosols, Deposition of Particle, Particle Size Distribution, Aerosol Dynamics, Atmospheric Electricity, Charged Particle, Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling
