Isotope and water chemistry - 30 Polish lakes

Published: 12 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8b5pzwx4tg.1
Alicja Ustrzycka,


The dataset presents the results of a seasonal monitoring (in 2012) of water chemistry and carbonate precipitation in 30 hardwater Polish lakes located along the temperature gradient (west-east). We collected the information about water chemistry (surface water temperature, pH, conductivity, Ca2+ and HCO3-) and we measured the dD, d18O from water samples, and d13C and d18O from carbonates deposited in sediment traps. The overall monitoring program was designed to capture a pattern of relationships between meteorological conditions and carbonate precipitation.


Steps to reproduce

-the water temperature was measured continuously using a HOBO sensor, - the water chemistry was measured using ion chromatography (ICS 1100, Dionex, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) - isotope analyses were performed using isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IsoPrime 100) equipped with an adapter for analyzing liquid and gaseous samples (IsoPrime Multiflow Systrem)


Uniwersytet Gdanski, Politechnika Slaska


Earth Sciences


Swiss Contribution, Polish - Swiss Research Programme

