ATC 58 Environmental Impact of Seismic Damage Repair

Published: 9 June 2017| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8bcvkf2hr2.1
Kathrina Simonen, Monica Huang, Peter Morris


This file contains the environmental impact summary results (GHG Emissions/CO2e and Embodied Energy) to repair seismic damage outlined in in FEMA P58 Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings ( Detailed description of the component types and damage state conditions are contained in the FEMA P58 documentation. This material is based upon work funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and managed by the Applied Technology Council (ATC) through the ATC 58-2 Project, the substance of which is dedicated to the public. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Emergency Management Agency or the Applied Technology Council. Special acknowledgement is due to John Hooper, Anthony Court, Wayne Trusty, Mark Webster and Jon Heinz who collaborated on the development of the initial methodology as H. Scott Matthews at Carnegie Mellon University for his advice regarding the use of the EIO LCA database.



Architectural Engineering, Energy and Climate Change, Economic Input-Output Life-Cycle Assessment, Life Cycle Assessment, Seismic Analysis
