SEG-Y files from reflection seismic profiles of the ViDEPI dataset (Gargano offshore, Adriatic Sea, Southern Italy)

Published: 19 June 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/8bj7pz2wvh.2


The available data possible dealing with the Gondola fault on the present-day continental platform are represented only by vintage unmigrated stack seismic profiles, as raster images of poor quality, hence very difficult to interpret. These are parts of the reflection seismic profiles D445, D451 and D452 acquired during the end of the sixties of the last century, and freely available from the ViDEPI database ( Therefore, we wondered: how to improve the quality the existing data, of crucial importance to better constrain the fault in this area? With the aim to obtain SEG-Y files, namely of increased quality information to be modified and better represented in appropriate software, we have firstly merged the raster images of the related PDF files downloadable as portions of the above seismic profiles. The merged PDF images have been converted into TIFF ones for each seismic profile. By the use of IMAGE2SEGY, a new Matlab program to convert images of seismic profiles to georeferenced SEG-Y formatted files, the input files TIFF, together with the corresponding TXT input files (code rows including, for each seismic profile TIFF image, information such as, the trace length in pixels, line number, marine or land position, SEG-Y revision format, SEG-Y numeric format, UTM zone, geographic coordinates, pixel position, delay or time over the datum, time interval of the seismic profile in milliseconds) have been uploaded. Consequently, the output SEG-Y files for each seismic profile have been obtained. Furthermore, a data processing applied to SEG-Y converted dataset in order to remove low frequency noise. In details, a ‘boxcar’ frequency filter (at 16 Hz low cutoff and 374 Hz high cutoff frequencies) applied basing on poor acquisition data information available by means of DELPH Seismic ® software. Finally, a general improvement of seismic images has been obtained.



Universita degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro


Geology, Geophysics, Method in Earth Sciences


Progetto “GeoSciences IR” (codice identificativo domanda: IR0000037). PNRR, Missione 4, Componente 2, Investimento 3.1, “Fondo per la realizzazione di un sistema integrato di infrastrutture di ricerca e innovazione” Unione Europea – Next Generation EU

CUP: I53C22000800006
