Raw data and additional plots for the paper Lying, more or less: A computer simulation study of graded lies and trust dynamics
May 3, 2020: These are the raw data and additional plots for the simulations described in the paper Lying, more or less: A computer simulation study of graded lies and trust dynamics It is contained in a zip archive. The folder name describes the data: XXstepsYYthresh: XX = the duration of the truth-default phase, YY = the distrust threshold (after the truth-default phase) Filename prefixes denote the various lying styles: v00: control run v01: simple lying v02: gambler's lying v03: clairvoyant lying Note: only control run and no-truth-default runs include data for variations that were omitted in the truth-default variations (inclinations to lie below 0.5 and data for biases below 0.5). Plots like the one in Figure 5 for all variations of parameters are in the folder Plots -- there is also a script to produce them. Raw data also include average credences and average trust for each step (row 1 = start, row 2: after round 1, etc). Note 2: Average credences are in multiple columns: each column denotes the average credence about the corresponding coin in the following way: If there are 11 columns, then the credences are for the whole hypothesis space (Col. 1: coin bias = 0, Col. 2: coin bias = 0.1, etc. to Col. 11: coin bias = 1). If there are 6 columns (in the majority of the cases) we only include the credences for the relevant cases, i.e. Col. 1: coin bias = 0.5, Col. 2: coin bias = 0.6, etc to Col. 6: coin bias = 1.