Factors affecting cross-language activation and language mixing in bilingual aphasia: A case study
Published: 14 June 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8c82s62kky.1
, , Description
We present data from a single bilingual individual with aphasia, whose speech was prone to language-mixing behaviours. We designed a picture naming task with 3 different conditions: monolingual, bilingual, and subsequent-retrieval (called "switch" in the datafile). We investigated the influence of language mode, language, task, and a continuous measure of cognateness on accuracy, response time and language selection errors. Data includes the participant's transcribed responses on 1500 trials (250 for each condition in each language), coded for accuracy and response type, with response times for accurate responses. Data also includes values of individual psycholinguistic variables.
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Necessary steps are described in the article.
Macquarie University
Aphasia, Bilingualism, Word Production