Will climate mitigation ambitions lead to carbon neutrality? An analysis of the local-level plans of 327 cities in the EU: Datasets and Supplementary Materials
This dataset provides key data on the local climate mitigation plans (M-LCP) of 327 core cities within the EU27 and the UK covered by the Cities Statistics database of the European Statistics Office (Eurostat), formerly known as “Urban Audit” (UA). The main information and data reported in each file of this dataset are: 1. List of the analysed plans: Country, City, City population, Mitigation strategy name (in national languages and in English), Year of adoption - approval - publication, Type of M-LCP, Integrated Mitigation and Adaptation LCP, Carbon neutrality, Target year for carbon neutrality, membership to the following transnational climate networks: Global Covenant of Mayor for Climate and Energy, Climate Alliance, C40, Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance. 2. GHG emission targets for UA cities with a plan, by country: Country / City with a plan, Type of M-LCP, CO2 and GHG (CO2eq) emission target (%, baseline year, target year), Geographical location. 3. Key data summary on the sample: Country, Total No. of cities in the sample, M-LCPs by type (A1, A2, A3, B, and C), Total No. of M-LCP, Cities without a plan, Cities with a plan, Integrated M&A LCPs, Total population, Population in our city sample, Population representativeness in the sample.