IMAPI (Early Childhood Development Friendly Index) dataset

Published: 6 May 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/8cy7v679zv.2


This dataset was produced within the ECD-FI (Early Childhood Development Friendly Index) project (IMAPI - in Portuguese) between 2018-2020. It contains the list of all 5,570 Brazilian municipalities codes, a general performance index (IMAPI), and five indices related to each domain of the Nurturing Care Framework: Good Health, Adequate Nutrition, Responsive Caregiving, Opportunities for Early Learning, and Security and Safety. These indices were calculated based on 31 main indicators (spanning the five domains) and 13 additional indicators, based on 2016 values and following a rigorous process involving data acquisition and engineering, weighting scores, and validation by domain experts. IMAPI is intended to be used as a supportive tool for assessing the performance of each Brazilian in relation to the offering of an adequate environment for early childhood development.


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Universidade de Brasilia, Yale University, Universidade Federal da Bahia


Early Childhood Development, Performance Index
