Data for paper - TrackUSF, a novel tool for automated ultrasonic vocalization analysis, reveals modified calls in a rat model of autism
Published: 4 April 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8d4yz5fyhy.1
Shai NetserDescription
The attached file includes the final results of the analysis done by TrackUSF software for all datasets included in the paper: TrackUSF, a novel tool for automated ultrasonic vocalization analysis, reveals modified calls in a rat model of autism By - Shai Netser, Guy Nahardiya, Gili Weiss-Dicker, Roei Dadush, Yizhaq Goussha, Shanah John, Mor Taub, Yuval Werber, Nir Sapir, Yossi Yovel, Hala Harony-Nicolas, Joseph Buxbaum, Lior Cohen, Koby Crammer and Shlomo Wagner.
Steps to reproduce
Usage of TrackUSF software on various datasets. The software is available at
Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, University of Haifa, Tel Aviv University
Animal Models, Mouse, Rat, Autism, Ultrasonic Vocalization, Bat