Water quality dataset - Degradation of asbestos – reinforced water supply cement pipes after a long-term operation

Published: 16 June 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8d9wr6sdtg.1
Janez Zavašnik, Andreja Šestan,


The dataset consists of the results of a water sample laboratory analyses for the 10-year span (where available), collected between 9. Nov. 2009 - 7. Nov. 2019. The results were obtained by following standards: temperature DIN 38404-4:2000, pH ISO 1052:20123, electric conductivity EN 27888:1998, sulfate concentration ISO 10304-1:2007, chloride concentration ISO 10304-1:2007, total hardness (°N): ISO 17294-2:2005, Ca ISO 17294-2, Mg ISO 17294-2, Na ISO 17294-2, K ISO 17294-2, Al ISO 17294-2:2003. During the years, several different certified laboratories were involved in regular testing of the water samples, hence not all parameters are always available.



Drinking Water Quality
