Flanagan and Pauers - Turquoise Rainbowfish sexual behavior
These data were recorded by Margaret E. Flanagan and analyzed by her and Michael J. Pauers as part of Margaret's independent, undergraduate, research project. We wanted to observe and quantify when male Turquoise Rainbowfish employed their dynamic color changes in sexually selected contexts. The data were obtained during laboratory studies of the sexual behavior of the Turquoise Rainbowfish, Melanotaenia lacustris. These data are the average numbers of behaviours performed by males over the course of five independent observations. Seven behaviours, and the sex of the recipient of these behaviors were recorded: Flares, Head Flashes, Lateral Flashes, Bites, Advances, Twitches, and Twitch + Head Flashes. We also calculated the total number of behaviors directed towards males and females by each focal male. Any further questions or requests for information should be directed to Michael J. Pauers: mjpauers@gmail.com +001 414 745 1400